Herman & partnerji d.o.o.

Herman & partnerji d.o.o.

Through creativity, technology and consultancy, we create solutions that increase the value of organisations and their brands.

MarketingStrategic CommunicationDigilogue CreativityContent Platforms

Herman & partnerji d.o.o.

Strategic Communication

Corporate Communication

The visibility, attractiveness and reputation of the company among employees and external stakeholders are strategic assets. Corporate communication co-creates the intangible value of the company (human + relational + structural + strategic capital). Leadership communication and communication with associates, and the political and social environment are key leverages for creating new value. Listening, connecting and engaging in dialogue enable companies to implement necessary changes, internally and externally.

Public Relations

Attention is the rarest of commodities. Market communication creates it to support selling products, services and brands. It includes publicity, through classic and new media, hybrid messaging, content marketing, native advertising, event management, and much more. Space in information-saturated markets must be won on a daily basis and you will need to tell a story that stands out from the background noise.

Leadership Communication

Public speaking, storytelling, motivating associates, and impressing the internal and external public are core skills of good leaders. Such leaders build a common vision of the future, maintain internal and external trust in the organization, initiate change and efficiently communicate in a trustworthy manner. This is especially the case today, when the world must mirror itself in a digital environment, where communication takes place simultaneously and instantaneously on all channels and between all participants. 

Corporate Responsibility

Organizations that produce good products and provide good services must also do good by their stakeholders and the environment. They must consciously manage their responsibility and search for a broader meaning for their operation in terms of relationships with their employees, the local and wider social environment, partners, suppliers, and in their attitude towards nature. Furthermore, they need to reduce the negative and amplify the positive effects of their operation and know-how to demonstrate this to all interested parties. Providing support for employees, the local and wider social environments give them the social licence to operate.

Employee Experience

Communication and managing relationships with employees, current, past or future, measurably affects the recruiting time and process, productivity, work absence, quality of products and services, level of innovation and development breakthroughs. Building an employer brand is a systematic process in collaboration with all employees, which increases engagement, satisfaction and productivity. The employer brand is the glue between all current and future employees of the company.

Public Affairs and Lobbying

Politics and public administration co-create conditions for our work, life and business. Therefore, we need to monitor, research and analyse what the executive and legislative branches are implementing, what laws and regulations are they preparing. We are interested in how and what is going on in the decision-making processes, what the political challenges are, how to advocate for legitimate standpoints and interests, manage topics, campaigns and lobbying, and how we can contribute to the performance of businesses through managing public and governmental affairs.

M&A Communication

The success of mergers and acquisitions depends significantly on the relations, interests and power of various internal and external stakeholders. Preparing employees, investors, regulators, politicians and other stakeholders for everything new, overcoming resistance to change, and expanding the scope of operations are essential components of any management of a takeover or merger. New companies and communities can only be established and thrive through efficient communication processes.

News & Media Relations

Media are an extension of our nervous system and are omnipresent. We not only live with them but we live within them. Traditional mass media, printed media, radio and television have been joined by digital, social and wearable media. These days, anything can be a medium, even ourselves. The art of storytelling and media relations are the keys to visibility, knowing when, where and why to appear, how to listen and see, choosing an efficient message, organizing and training, and beyond.

Crisis Communication

Crises are surprising, but not unpredictable. The success of crisis management strongly depends on pre-crisis operation, planning and preparation. Successful crisis communication includes the systematic analysis and review of risks, the preparation of crisis scenarios, infrastructure, manuals and training, as well as learning new lessons after every new crisis experience. The first response, credibility, control over the crisis situation and how will we act after the crisis is over are all important factors.

Digilogue Creativity

Digilogue creativity means creating efficient omnichannel communication solutions that win over both the digital minds and analogue emotions of modern, ever-connected consumers.

Content Platforms

From content creation to commerce transactions, content platforms are all about stories that captivate and engage the consumer on this journey. We create innovative and unique content in collaboration with third-party partners that take advantage of all of the available omnichannel potential.