E-RAČUNI, d.o.o.

Online business software for accounting and bookkeeping tailored for SMEs.

Online AccountingInvoicingBookkeepingFinancial Tracking

E-RAČUNI, d.o.o.

E-RAČUNI is a leading online business software solution that offers a comprehensive suite of tools for accounting, bookkeeping, and business management. Established in 2002, the company has been at the forefront of providing innovative and user-friendly solutions for both small and larger enterprises. With a focus on flexibility and efficiency, E-RAČUNI ensures that businesses have everything they need in one place, making it easier to manage finances, track expenses, and make informed decisions. Their platform is designed to be simple yet powerful, catering to the unique needs of each business. 


E-RAČUNI envisions a world where businesses, regardless of their size, have access to top-notch accounting and bookkeeping tools that empower them to make smart decisions. They aim to simplify the complexities of business management by offering a unified platform that is both intuitive and robust.


The team at E-RAČUNI is driven by a passion for innovation and a commitment to excellence. Comprising of experts in the fields of accounting, software development, and business management, they work tirelessly to ensure that their clients receive the best service possible.

Competitive advantages of the company

E-RAČUNI stands out in the market due to its user-centric approach. The platform is designed to be flexible, catering to the unique needs of every business. With features that allow for quick decision-making, businesses can seize opportunities faster. The company also prioritizes security, ensuring that all data is protected and backed up. Their comprehensive suite of tools, combined with their commitment to continuous improvement, makes them a preferred choice for many businesses in Slovenia.

Product features

  • Fakturiranje (Invoicing): Create professional-looking invoices and maintain a clear record of issued and received invoices.
  • Prejeti računi (Received invoices)
  • Blagajna (Cash register)
  • Potni nalogi (Travel orders)
  • Obračun plač (Payroll calculation)
  • Banka (Bank)
  • Zaloge (Inventory)
  • Trgovsko poslovanje (Trade operations)
  • Proizvodnja, servis in delovni nalogi (Production, service, and work orders)
  • Turizem (Tourism)
  • Obračun DDV (VAT calculation)
  • Glavna knjiga (Main ledger)
  • Obračun obresti (Interest calculation)
  • Osnovna sredstva (Fixed assets)
  • Bilance z letnimi obračuni davka (Balances with annual tax settlements)